The Ultimate Guide to Crystal Grids: Transform Your Life Using the Power of Crystals and Layouts, Paperback, by Judy Hall | Elvero

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The Ultimate Guide to Crystal Grids: Transform Your Life Using the Power of Crystals and Layouts, Paperback, by Judy Hall

The Ultimate Guide to Crystal Grids: Transform Your Life Using the Power of Crystals and Layouts, Paperback, by Judy Hall

Ghid practic pentru lucrul cu cristalele: Transformă-ți viața folosind puterea cristalelor și grilelor de cristale, autor Judy Hall

Cartea este scrisa in limba engleza!

O lucrare utila iubitorilor regnului mineral ce doresc să deprindă lucrul cu grilele de cristale.

Paginile cărții sunt lucioase, cu fotografii color în care veti gasi numeroase modalități de lucru cu pietrele semipretioase si grilele.

``A must-read for crystal lovers of all levels of expertise. Each page is packed with helpful tips, crystal recommendations, and concise tables. The photographs and diagrams are both inspiring and beautiful, as they will encourage readers to put these tools to use in their own lives. This book is perhaps the most informative on the subject, and it is sure to be the definitive work on crystal grids for years to come.``
--Nicholas Pearson, author of Crystal Healing for the Heart
and Crystals for Karmic Healing

Data aparitiei: Octombrie 2017
Format: 25.15 x 19.81 x 1.52
Tip coperta: Brosata
Numar pagini: 192
ISBN: 1592337813

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  • Cod produs: 0740
  • Disponibilitate: Stoc Epuizat
  • 125,00 lei
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Etichete: carte, cristale, grila, gril cristale, judy hall, pietre semipretioase